суббота, 26 января 2013 г.

Про вязалки в Египте. About croche in Egypt

These funny lak luk i made for a small lady 1,3 years old )))
It was very nice idea about lesson for a one of the teachers! really i enjoed that time and she also, although she doesnt speak english, and me arabic )))))
Next day i showed to the daughter of one of the teachers how to knit, she liked very much!!!!
May be soon i can make club for croche in our school? )))

вторник, 15 января 2013 г.

Lesson of croche

Hi, everyone!
Today i've got very interesting request! Im working as english teacher in one of islamic schools of Cairo and some teachers had seen how i was doing my patterns, so they started to ask me to make something for their kids and i made.
But one of them asked me to teach her how to make some things, but she whants this lesson by money....
This experience will be smth new for me )))